Chapter 1 |
感謝您對大師輕鬆讀的愛護,並且全力支持您合理地使用我們為您精心編製的內容。希望未來可以提供您更方便更友善的服務。1996年,馬克.蘭道夫首識里德.黑斯廷。黑斯廷經營一家名為Pure Atria的公司,該公司收購了蘭道夫與人共同創辦的新創事業Integrity QA。收購後,蘭道夫獲任命為Pure Atria的行銷副總裁。由於兩人住處距離僅數分鐘車程,之後他們便經常輪流開車一起上班。
Chapter 1 |
The spark
感謝您對大師輕鬆讀的愛護,並且全力支持您合理地使用我們為您精心編製的內容。希望未來可以提供您更方便更友善的服務。Marc Randolph first met Reed Hastings in 1996. Hastings was running a company called Pure Atria which acquired a startup called Integrity QA which Randolph had cofounded. After the acquisition, Marc Randolph was appointed as VP of corporate marketing for Pure Atria. Since Reed Hastings lived just a few minutes from Marc Randolph's house, they used to car pool to work together.
1997年初,Pure Atria即將完成併購,這使得他倆都將面臨結束工作的處境,所以在上下班的車程中,里德和馬克便討論起新創公司的種種。馬克想創業,他很重視里德的意見,兩人深入聊了許多異想天開的點子。像是訂製的球棒,針對個人需求調配的洗髮精,手工製的衝浪板,為每隻狗狗特別調製的狗糧等等,諸如此類。在每天的通勤路上,馬克丟給里德一個又一個點子。感謝您對大師輕鬆讀的愛護,並且全力支持您合理地使用我們為您精心編製的內容。希望未來可以提供您更方便更友善的服務。
In early 1997, Pure Atria was in the process of finalizing a merger which would put both of them out of their jobs so on their drive, Reed and Marc would discuss ideas for startups. Marc wanted to start his own company and he valued the feedback he got from Reed so they went through a whole lot of out-of-the-box ideas. Customized baseball bats. Personalized shampoo. Hand-made surfboards. Dog food individually formulated for dogs. Marc Randolph pitched Reed Hastings lots and lots of ideas on that daily commute.感謝您對大師輕鬆讀的愛護,並且全力支持您合理地使用我們為您精心編製的內容。希望未來可以提供您更方便更友善的服務。